Fresh Cryptocurrency added to site

Newly added to site crypto coins, that you can buy from exchanges.

Name Symbol Exchanges Price, $ 24h, % Country Added
Hinkal Staked ETH Logo Hinkal Staked ETH heth 1 2056.99 -0.89776 2025-03-25
HYPRA Logo HYPRA hyp 3 0.00030666 -0.45807 2025-03-25
Holozone Logo Holozone holo 3 0.00037981 5.59912 2025-03-25
Hopecore Logo Hopecore hope 1 0.00005499 19.46134 2025-03-25
ICE LAND on ETH Logo ICE LAND on ETH iceland 1 0.000000000818 -3.69641 2025-03-25
flocoin Logo flocoin floco 1 0.667639 -1.24871 2025-03-25
hardwAIre DAO Logo hardwAIre DAO hard 1 0.00014712 21.83066 2025-03-25
AetherX Logo AetherX aetx 3 0.00965369 -3.71221 2025-03-25
Graphite Network Logo Graphite Network @g 2 0.147915 -2.63467 2025-03-25
Hump Logo Hump hump 1 0.00012648 -8.3963 2025-03-25
Hokkaido Inu Token Logo Hokkaido Inu Token hinu 1 0.000000014566 3.56378 2025-03-25
Human Intelligence Machin Logo Human Intelligence Machin him 1 0.00345971 3.9943 2025-03-24
Hyzen.AI Logo Hyzen.AI hai 2 0.00378274 18.93137 2025-03-24
Huhu Cat Logo Huhu Cat huhu 1 0.00019879 2.62718 2025-03-24
How Did You Make It? Logo How Did You Make It? crypto 1 0.00004066 11.02012 2025-03-24
$HYPERSKIDS Logo $HYPERSKIDS hyperskids 4 0.01066209 -4.0163 2025-03-24
HyperBlast Logo HyperBlast hype 2 0.00406515 -0.18451 2025-03-24
Dank Memes Logo Dank Memes dank 2 0.00095909 11.78756 2025-03-24
HEX.COM DIAMOND Logo HEX.COM DIAMOND dmnd 1 0.00002093 2.38599 2025-03-24
IAMAI Logo IAMAI iamai 1 0.00022528 4.14948 2025-03-24
Hibernates Logo Hibernates hiber 3 0.00090458 77.40649 2025-03-24
Flare Staked Ether Logo Flare Staked Ether flreth 1 2019.15 1.63975 2025-03-24
Ice Logo Ice ice 1 0.00003177 1.57172 2025-03-23
IC Ghost Logo IC Ghost ghost 1 0.00006634 0.48611 2025-03-23
EnKryptedAI Logo EnKryptedAI krai 3 0.01125252 1.30328 2025-03-23
Greenland Rare Bear Logo Greenland Rare Bear nordo 1 0.0003785 -15.06856 2025-03-23
Hot Doge Logo Hot Doge hotdoge 1 0.00001168 -1.17907 2025-03-23
HOW TO FLY Logo HOW TO FLY puff 1 0.00030702 -2.40978 2025-03-23
Grade Logo Grade grd 3 108.05 -2.4188 2025-03-23
Healix AI Logo Healix AI hxai 1 0.00547403 0.13718 2025-03-23

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Every month world get new crypto projects, which represents more and more altcoins. This is a great opportunity to invest and support developers from start, where prices for tokens are lowest. In the future, it may become more valuable. But also, long-term investors may never see the returns they hoped for.

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