How to buy 1Reward Token (1RT) coin
The 1Reward Token coin is difficult to find, due to a shortage of crypto exchanges that offer it. There's only 1 exchange with 1 trading pair. More information, including pairs, fees and price prediction see above.
Where to buy 1Reward Token
Step 1You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports 1rt token. All of them listed on our site. Create it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.
Name | Fee | Trust | DeFi | Volume | |
Biswap | ?? / ?? | MEDIUM | No | $777 |
Transfer or buy with P2P this coin: 0XBB4C....
Step 3Go to spot market on your exchange and type the coin name in search box. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy 1RT button.
Once you click "buy" button, the 1rt cryptocurrency will be transferred to your account on the cryptocurrency exchange. You need to know that only transferring your coins from exchange to separate wallet like Trezor T or Ledger Nano S, you help better protect your investments. This is not only shorten your risk if your trading platform gets cracked, but if you move to cold wallet, your 1Reward Token token becomes secure assets. Only disadvantage is usually have to pay a small fee to transfer your crypto from the trading platform.
What is 1Reward Token
Video Review
Statistics and Externals
Term of hashing algorithm doesn't apply in case of 1rt blockchain.
Price and supply
The current total supply is 0, with a circulating supply of 0 1RT as of Aug 2024. The max amount of coins that will ever exist in the lifetime of the 1Reward Token is 2100000000.
The price of 1rt is $0.053278724207 as of 02:17 PM. The price was raised on 0.9773% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 0 united states dollars. In previous 30 days, the 1rt has a change of 0%.
What cryptocurrency exchange can I buy 1Reward Token cryptocurrency?
1rt cryptocurrency can be bought from one trading platform. The list includes: Biswap.
Is 1Reward Token coin a good investment?
The 1rt has a high risks of price fall. Due to the high volatility of all crypto industry you should consider: you can lose all of your invested funds, learn the risks before you start trading and unexpected changes in market can lead to sharp and sudden moves in price. But on the other hand of that it's way to get rich by investing in crypto.
About the author
Davy Jones has been involved in the crypto industry since 2017 as a miner. Since then, he has become an avid investor, writer, and speaker in the field. Jones has been writing professionally since 2008, covering a wide range of topics in various industries.