How and where to buy AITaxBot coin
The AITaxBot tokens is hard enough to find, because of the lack of crypto trading platforms that list it. Only two exchanges with 2 pairs: 0X9F04.../0XA0B8... and 0X9F04.../0XC02A.... Full details read above.
Where to buy AITaxBot
Step 1You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports AITaxBot cryptocurrency. All of them provided on our site. Register it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.
Name | Fee | Trust | DeFi | Volume | |
Uniswap (v2) | 0.3 / 0.3 | MEDIUM | No | $1737 |
Transfer or purchase with P2P one of this coins: 0XC02A... or 0XA0B8....
Step 3Open spot trading on crypto exchange and type the token name in search box. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy AITAX button.
Once you hit "buy" button, the AITaxBot token will be deposited in your account on the exchange. You need to know that just moving your coins off trading platform into separate wallet such as Trezor Model T or Ledger Nano S, you can improve protection of your purchase. It's not only shorten your risk if your crypto exchange or account gets cracked, but if you transfer cold hardware wallet, your AITaxBot becomes almost unbreakable. Only downside is, usually have to pay a small withdrawal fee to transfer your crypto from the exchange.
What is AITaxBot
Recover gas fees, transaction fees, taxes, and slippage. Paste an address into our bot—no wallet connect required—obtain your deductible tax report! Welcome to AITaxBot—where revolutionizing your tax-saving experience is our core mission. Born from the vision of transforming tax management into a seamless and less time-consuming process, AITaxBot is dedicated to amplifying your savings. Our commitment is to simplify your journey through the complex terrain of taxes, offering you an unparalleled feature set that remains unrivaled in the industry. At the heart of AITaxBot lies our innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. These powerful tools are harnessed to provide you with detailed insights into your tax obligations and potential deductions
Video Review
Statistics and Externals
Concepts of hashing algorithms not applicable to AITaxBot tokens.
Price and supply
The current total supply is 100000000, with a circulating supply of 0 AITAX as of Feb 2025. The AITaxBot max amount of coins that will ever exist is 100000000.
The AITaxBot price is $0.00380233 as of 04:33 PM. The price went down on -17.1917% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 0 united states dollars. So far past 30 days, the AITaxBot went down on -65.37%.
What crypto exchange can I buy Aitax?
AITaxBot coin can be purchased from two trading platforms. And these are some of them: Matcha (Ethereum) and Uniswap V2 (Ethereum).
Is AITaxBot coin a good investment?
The AITaxBot cryptocurrency has a high risks of value go down. Because of high volatility of all Blockchain world you must understand: any cryptocurrency has a possibility price to crash to zero, learn the risks before you start trading and you can lose all of your invested funds. But on the other hand of that it's way to get rich by investing in crypto.
About the author
Qayyum Rajan, CFA is a fintech entrepreneur with multiple exits. He started his startup and blockchain career in 2017 building software to automate securities issuance on Ethereum, and never stopped building.
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