How to buy BurnedFi (BURN) crypto coin

The BurnedFi tokens is tough to get, due to a lack of trading platforms that offer it. The 2 exchanges offer 4 pairs: 0X19C0.../0XB465..., 0X19C0.../0X55D3..., BURN/USDT and other. Detailed information, including pairs, market cap and price prediction see below.

Where to buy BurnedFi

Step 1

You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports Burn crypto. All of them listed on our site. Register it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.


Name Fee Trust DeFi Volume
Buy on PancakeSwap (v2) PancakeSwap (v2) 0.25 / 0.25 MEDIUM No $4578
Buy on XT.COM XT.COM 0.2 / 0.2 HIGH Yes $108341
Step 2

Buy or transfer with P2P one of this coins: 0XBB4C..., USDT, 0X55D3... or 0XB465....

Step 3

Go to spot market on your trading platform and type the token name in search box. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy BURN button.


Once you click buy, the BurnedFi token will be deposited in your account on the trading platform. Be aware that only moving your coins off trading platform into cold crypto wallet, you can improve protection of your finances. Not only does this cut your risk if your exchange of choice gets hacked, but if you transfer cold wallet, your BurnedFi crypto becomes protected assets. Only flaw is generally have to pay a small withdrawal fee to move your tokens from the trading platform.

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What is BurnedFi

The token symbols $burnedFi (shortened as $burn) and $burnBuild (shortened as $build) are used in the following references. Convert your $burn tokens into an equivalent amount of $BNB and mint $build tokens as proof. Assumption: Burning 1000 $burn tokens worth 1 $BNB will mint 1 $build token as your proof. Simultaneously, an additional 1 $build token will be minted and distributed to all $build holders [based on $build holdings]. If you are the first to burn $burn tokens worth 1 $BNB, you will receive 1 $build and 1 $build reflection, totaling 2 tokens. When the second burn, with tokens worth 2 $BNB, occurs, the participant will receive 2 $build proofs and 1 $build reflection. You will also receive 1 $build (as you occupy 50% of the share). And so on! - Claim Rewards: Reward calculation: Your holdings of $build - Your proof (build) = BNB reward you can claim. Assuming your initial burn value was 1 $build (proof), when you accumulate 10 $build, you can claim a reward of 9 $BNB! Regardless of the quantity of your $build proofs, they will be reset to zero when you claim the reward. Don't claim rewards too easily; leave them for community development. - Invite Rewards: When a burner uses your link to burn $burn tokens, you can receive a 10% reward in $burn tokens. If you were also invited, the person who invited you can also receive a 5% reward in $burn tokens. The remaining $burn tokens will be transferred to the black hole (0xdead) address, at least 85%.

Video Review

What is Burnedfi (BURN) Coin | Review About BURN Token

Statistics and Externals

Term of hash algorithm doesn't apply in case of Burn blockchain.

Price and supply

The current total supply is 13437797.203296, with a circulating supply of 540.1 thousands BURN as of Mar 2025. This coin does not have a fixed max supply.

The price of Burn crypto is $0.641612 as of 05:46 PM. The price went down on 0% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 8.6 millions united states dollars. Thus far previous 30 days, the Burn has a change of 0%.


What crypto exchange can I buy BurnedFi coin?

BurnedFi crypto can be bought from 2 exchanges. And these are some of them: PancakeSwap (v2) and XT.COM.

Is BurnedFi a good investment?

The BurnedFi crypto is very risky asset that has strong potential to fall. Due to the high volatility of all crypto industry you bear in mind: any cryptocurrency has a possibility price to crash to zero, learn the risks before you start trading and you can lose all of your invested funds. But on the other hand of that it's possible to become rich by investing in crypto.


Qayyum Rajan, author

About the author

Qayyum Rajan, CFA is a fintech entrepreneur with multiple exits. He started his startup and blockchain career in 2017 building software to automate securities issuance on Ethereum, and never stopped building.

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