How to buy CardanoEvo cryptocurrency
The Cevo tokens is difficult to purchase, owing to a lack of trading platforms which offer it. Only 1 exchange with 1 pair. More information, including fees, price prediction and instructions is listed above.
Where to buy CardanoEvo
Step 1You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports Cevo. All of them listed on our site. Create it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.
Name | Fee | Trust | DeFi | Volume | |
PancakeSwap (v2) | 0.25 / 0.25 | MEDIUM | No | $4578 |
Purchase or transfer with peer-to-peer trading this coin: WBNB.
Step 3Switch to spot on your trading platform and type the token name in search box. Choose between available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy CEVO button.
After clicking buy, the CardanoEvo cryptocurrency will be deposited in your account on the cryptocurrency exchange. Be aware that only moving your coins off trading platform to cold hardware wallet, you can improve protection of your investments. Not only does this scale down your risk if your trading platform of choice gets hacked, but if you move to a “cold,” or offline, wallet, your CardanoEvo cryptocurrency becomes protected assets. Only con is, generally have to pay a small fee to transfer your crypto off of the exchange.
What is CardanoEvo
CardanoEvo is a community-driven project, reflecting not only the Cardano ($ADA) token, but also the ethics and charitable status of our ‘parent’ coin. The Dev team have worked tirelessly to build a community of investors focused on the long-term future of the project, enjoying passive income from their hold, whilst being involved in development of our web presence, advertising strategies, merchandising store, future website-based NFT marketplace and further functionality & use of the imminent Cardano blockchain release. CardanoEvo is a frictionless yield and liquidity generation smart contract which rewards holders with reflections in Cardano ($ADA) reflections. The transaction taxation funds those reflections, as well as adding liquidity and marketing budgets. The token has investor protection built into the contract, with wallet hold and transaction limits, as well as an anti-bot function embedded into its code. The contract also uses a manually-activated burn function in order to provide deflation as and when appropriate.
Video Review
CardanoEvo | The First ADA Reflection Token
Statistics and Externals
Term of hashing algorithm not applicable to Cevo tokens.
Price and supply
The current total supply is 45000000000, with a circulating supply of 0 CEVO as of Dec 2024. The maximum supply in the lifetime of the CardanoEvo is 45000000000.
The price of CardanoEvo is $0.000000764102 as of 08:05 AM. The price change on 0% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 0 USD. In last 30 days, the CardanoEvo cryptocurrency was declined on 0%.
What exchange can I buy CardanoEvo cryptocurrency?
CardanoEvo can be purchased from 1 exchange. Some of them: PancakeSwap (v2).
Is CardanoEvo token a good investment?
The CardanoEvo token has a big risks of value fall. Because of high volatility of all crypto industry you should understand: unexpected changes in market can lead to sharp and sudden moves in price, learn the risks before you start trading and you can lose all of your invested funds. Aside from that it's opportunity to get filthy rich by investing in crypto.
About the author
Qayyum Rajan, CFA is a fintech entrepreneur with multiple exits. He started his startup and blockchain career in 2017 building software to automate securities issuance on Ethereum, and never stopped building.
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