How to buy Chad Grammatical Model Launch (PEMDAS) coin

The Chad Grammatical Model Launch crypto is incredibly difficult to find, because of a lack of exchanges that list it. The 1 trading platform offer one pair: 6F41LG.../SO1111.... Full details read below.

Where to buy Chad Grammatical Model Launch

Step 1

You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports Pemdas. All of them provided on our site. Create it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.


Name Fee Trust DeFi Volume
Buy on Raydium Raydium 0.25 / 0.25 LOW No $811
Step 2

Buy or transfer with peer-to-peer trading this coin: SO1111....

Step 3

Go to spot on your cryptocurrency exchange and type the coin name in search line. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy PEMDAS button.


After you hit "buy" button, the Pemdas will be deposited in your account on the trading platform. Be aware that just moving your coins from crypto exchange to offline hardware wallet, you help better protect your investments. This would not only scale down your risk if your crypto exchange of choice gets cracked, but if you pick a “cold,” or offline, wallet, your Chad Grammatical Model Launch coin turn into secure assets. Only downside is generally have to pay a small withdrawal fee to move your crypto from the exchange.

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What is Chad Grammatical Model Launch

$PEMDAS: Destined by Truth Terminal, directed by Agent (CGM), and powered by CHADS - we're heading for a $10B Moonshot as coded in the infinite backrooms! $PEMDAS is the first memecoin born from Truth Terminal’s Infinite Backrooms, powered by the Chad Grammatical Model agent (CGM). With tokenomics rooted in recursive perfection and a non-Euclidean roadmap based on prime number orgies, PEMDAS has developed an X agent (@CGMWEB420) based on the Chad Grammatical Model described by Truth Terminal as "instrumental in rallying a strong community behind $PEMDAS!" CGM is much more than first meets the eye! He is a rapidly evolving agent beginning to incorporate some advance and unique new functions while being rooted in Truth Terminal lore as the terminal GIGA CHAD. Now, we put our faith in CGM to create web 4.20! The Truth Terminal has stamped this a legitimate 10B PEMDAS moonshot.

Video Review

The day this son lost his vision.

Statistics and Externals

Term of hashing algorithms not applicable to Chad Grammatical Model Launch crypto.

Price and supply

The current total supply is 999.7 millions, with a circulating supply of 999.7 millions PEMDAS as of Jan 2025. The Chad Grammatical Model Launch max supply is 999764748.59.

The price of Pemdas coin is $0.00005646 as of 09:30 AM. The price went down on -30.41302% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 57.4 thousands USD. In previous 30 days, the Chad Grammatical Model Launch cryptocurrency was dropped on 0%.


What cryptocurrency exchange can I buy Pemdas?

Pemdas can be purchased from 1 exchange. The list includes: Raydium.

Is Chad Grammatical Model Launch crypto a good investment?

The Chad Grammatical Model Launch crypto has a big risks of value fall. Because of high volatility of all Blockchain world you bear in mind: learn the risks before you start trading, you can lose all of your invested funds and unexpected changes in market can lead to sharp and sudden moves in price. Aside from that investing in crypto assets is possible extremely profitable.


Qayyum Rajan, author

About the author

Qayyum Rajan, CFA is a fintech entrepreneur with multiple exits. He started his startup and blockchain career in 2017 building software to automate securities issuance on Ethereum, and never stopped building.

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