How & where to buy DEXAI (DEXAI) crypto coin
The DEXAI crypto is difficult to find, due to the lack of cryptocurrency trading platforms which offer it. The two exchanges propose one pair: 2JZCHC.../SO1111.... More information, including last project news, pairs and fees is listed above.
Where to buy DEXAI
Step 1You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports DEXAI. All of them listed on our site. Create it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.
Step 2Purchase or transfer with peer-to-peer trading this coin: SO1111....
Step 3Open spot on cryptocurrency exchange and type the coin name in search box. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy DEXAI button.
After you hit buy, the DEXAI cryptocurrency will be transferred to your account on the cryptocurrency exchange. Be aware that just moving your coins from crypto exchange to offline wallet like Trezor One or Ledger Nano X, you can improve protection of your purchase. It ain't only scale down your risk if your cryptocurrency exchange gets hacked, but if you transfer a “cold,” or offline, wallet, your Dexai turn into virtually unhackable. The only downside generally have to pay a small withdrawal fee to move your tokens from the crypto exchange.
What is DEXAI
DexAI: DeFAI & Intent-Based AI Agent Integration in Crypto Introduction The DexAI project represents a groundbreaking initiative at the intersection of the Intent sector and Decentralized Finance powered by Artificial Intelligence (DeFAI). By leveraging intent-based solutions, DexAI aims to revolutionize how users interact with financial platforms, automating decision-making and execution through an advanced AI Agent framework. DexAI positions itself as a next-generation innovation, unlocking unprecedented efficiencies and opportunities in the crypto market. What is the Intent Sector in Crypto? The Intent sector in crypto refers to platforms and technologies that enable users to express their financial intents or goals, which are then executed automatically by intelligent systems. These intents can include trading strategies, portfolio adjustments, or specific transaction goals, all driven by smart contracts and AI algorithms. Key attributes of the Intent sector include: Efficiency: Simplifies complex financial tasks by automating execution. Customization: Tailors services based on individual user intents. Security: Ensures transparency and reliability through blockchain-backed operations. What is DexAI? DexAI is a unique integration of the Intent sector with DeFAI principles, built on an AI Agent foundation. This intelligent agent is designed to understand user intents, process real-time data, and execute actions autonomously across diverse DeFi platforms
Video Review
In 2023, the landscape of cryptocurrency trading is set for an unprecedented transformation. $DEXAI
Statistics and Externals
Concepts of hash algorithm doesn't apply in case of Dexai tokens.
Price and supply
The current total supply is 999.9 millions, with a circulating supply of 999.9 millions DEXAI as of Jan 2025. The maximum amount of coins that will ever exist in the lifetime of the DEXAI is 1000000000.
The DEXAI coin price is $0.00009115 as of 09:00 PM. The price change on -35.50845% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 91.1 thousands USD. Thus far previous 30 days, the Dexai has a change of 0%.
What exchange can I buy DEXAI?
DEXAI token can be purchased from 2 trading platforms. And these are some of them: Meteora and Raydium.
Is Dexai coin a good investment?
The Dexai coin has a high risks of value go down. Due to the high volatility of all crypto industry you have to always remember: you can lose all of your invested funds, learn the risks before you start trading and unexpected changes in market can lead to sharp and sudden moves in price. But on the other hand of that investing in crypto assets is potentially extremely profitable.
About the author
Qayyum Rajan, CFA is a fintech entrepreneur with multiple exits. He started his startup and blockchain career in 2017 building software to automate securities issuance on Ethereum, and never stopped building.
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