How and where to buy Dragon Kart (KART) crypto coin

The Dragon Kart coin is difficult to get, due to the lack of cryptocurrency trading platforms which offer it. There's only 1 exchange with one pair. All the details about, including pairs, price prediction and instructions is located above.

Where to buy Dragon Kart

Step 1

You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports Kart token. All of them listed on our site. Register it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.


Name Fee Trust DeFi Volume
Buy on 0.2 / 0.2 HIGH Yes $25923
Step 2

Transfer or buy with P2P this coin: USDT.

Step 3

Open spot trading on your crypto exchange and type the token name in search line. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy KART button.


After you click buy, the Kart coin will be transferred to your account on the cryptocurrency exchange. Be aware that only transferring your coins off trading platform to secure hardware wallet, you can improve protection of your finances. Not only does this reduce your risk if your trading platform of choice gets hacked, but if you transfer offline crypto wallet, your Kart crypto becomes virtually unhackable. The only con usually have to pay a small fee to transfer your tokens from the cryptocurrency exchange.

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What is Dragon Kart

Dragon Kart is the 3D battle racing game built on Binance Smart Chain, the characters in the game are taken from a Pikalong series by a Vietnamese well-known artist named Thang Fly. Players can participate in dramatic races, use their superior driving skills to earn money from the victories they win. The gameplay of Dragon Kart is considered as an “arena” of life and death when it requires players to combine their driving skills with the use of individual character skills. In addition, on each track, there will be “mystery boxes” with which participants will be allowed to receive a new weapon to help players gain an advantage and win races.

Video Review

How to Buy Dragon Kart Token (KART) Using PancakeSwap On Trust Wallet OR MetaMask Wallet

Statistics and Externals

Concepts of hash algorithms not applicable to Dragon Kart crypto.

Price and supply

The current total supply is 31591666.666667, with a circulating supply of 42049252 KART as of Jan 2025. The maximum supply in the lifetime of the Dragon Kart is 42252777.

The Dragon Kart cryptocurrency price is $0.01159082 as of 09:06 PM. The price change on 0% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 316.2 thousands USD. Thus far previous 30 days, the Dragon Kart coin has a change of 0%.


What cryptocurrency exchange can I buy Kart token?

Dragon Kart crypto can be bought from 1 trading platform. The list includes:

Is Kart token a good investment?

The Kart cryptocurrency has a big risks of price drop. Because of high volatility of all Blockchain world you must understand: learn the risks before you start trading, you can lose all of your invested funds and any cryptocurrency has a possibility price to crash to zero. But on the other hand of that it's way to become rich by investing in crypto.


Qayyum Rajan, author

About the author

Qayyum Rajan, CFA is a fintech entrepreneur with multiple exits. He started his startup and blockchain career in 2017 building software to automate securities issuance on Ethereum, and never stopped building.

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