How & where to buy ExtractoDAO Bull (XBLL) cryptocurrency
The ExtractoDAO Bull tokens is tough to get, due to the lack of trading platforms which list it. The two exchanges propose one pair. Detailed information, including fees, instructions and price prediction is located below.
Where to buy ExtractoDAO Bull
Step 1You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports Xbll cryptocurrency. All of them listed on our site. Create it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.
Name | Fee | Trust | DeFi | Volume | |
BitMart | 0.25 / 0.25 | HIGH | Yes | $101098 | |
Digifinex | 0.2 / 0.2 | MEDIUM | Yes | $45856 |
Purchase or transfer with peer-to-peer trading this coin: USDT.
Step 3Go to spot trading on your crypto exchange and type the coin name in search line. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy XBLL button.
Once you press buy, the Xbll crypto will be available on your account on the exchange. You need to know that just transferring your coins off crypto exchange into secure hardware wallet, you help better protect your purchase. Not only does this shorten your risk if your crypto exchange or account gets hacked, but if you transfer secure hardware wallet, your ExtractoDAO Bull token turn into safe assets. Only flaw is, generally have to pay a small fee to move your crypto from the crypto exchange.
What is ExtractoDAO Bull
About the ExtractoDAO ExtractoDAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization of private property sometimes called a Decentralized Autonomous Corporation, with the objective of developing a shared purpose. ExtractoDAO is a decentralized proposal of food production and commodities, striving to contribute to the cause of food security, fighting hunger, misery, malnutrition and at the same time generating fair revenue to all the participants in the ExtractoDAO. The ExtractoDAO also proposes the decentralization of private property by the collective man. The core thought at ExtractoDAO DeFi is the administration of these private properties by the collective in fractioned form, diminishing risks, with the benefit of the correct application of smart contracts. You will be able to have fractions of hundreds even thousands of assets throughout the world, in this way, you will be able to diminish the exposure to risk safely and transparently. What is a Bull Token? It is the governance token that empowers the participant with voting power at ExtractoDAO. This is the original Bull token contract: 0x8110706a399D457D67b7A2B7636482b4bfCeBB21 What is the Cow Coin? it is a stablecoin ballasted on the participants' capital, this currency can be printed by the participants themselves right after the expiration date of the future´s smart contract in the ExtractoDAO platform. What is Extracto@? It is the name given to the Futures contracts which the participant will receive as he cooperates with the production of Commodities at ExtractoDAO.
Video Review
Is ExtractoDAO Bull (XBLL) Token Legit or Scam ??
Statistics and Externals
Concepts of hash algorithm doesn't apply in case of ExtractoDAO Bull coin.
Price and supply
The current total supply is 1, with a circulating supply of 0 XBLL as of Jan 2025. The ExtractoDAO Bull max supply is 1000000000.
The Xbll token price is $0.051644846651 as of 03:33 AM. The price went down on 0% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 0 united states dollars. Over previous 30 days, the ExtractoDAO Bull cryptocurrency has a change of 0%.
What crypto exchange can I buy Xbll coin?
Xbll can be purchased from two exchanges. And these are some of them: DigiFinex and BitMart.
Is ExtractoDAO Bull crypto a good investment?
The ExtractoDAO Bull cryptocurrency has a big risks of price go down. Because of high volatility of all cryptocurrency market you should always remember: you can lose all of your invested funds, learn the risks before you start trading and unexpected changes in market can lead to sharp and sudden moves in price. The opposite side of that it's way to become rich by investing in crypto.
About the author
Qayyum Rajan, CFA is a fintech entrepreneur with multiple exits. He started his startup and blockchain career in 2017 building software to automate securities issuance on Ethereum, and never stopped building.
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