How to buy LitecoinZ (LTZ) coin

The LitecoinZ cryptocurrency is hard enough to get, because of a shortage of crypto exchanges that list it. There is two trading platforms with 2 pairs: LTZ/LTC and LTZ/BTC. Full details, including instructions, pairs and last project news see above.

Where to buy LitecoinZ

Step 1

You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports LitecoinZ crypto. All of them provided on our site. Create it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.


Name Fee Trust DeFi Volume
Buy on Freiexchange Freiexchange ?? / ?? LOW Yes $0
Buy on Birake Birake ?? / ?? MEDIUM Yes $17
Buy on SafeTrade SafeTrade ?? / ?? MEDIUM Yes $1
Step 2

Buy or transfer with P2P one of this coins: BTC or LTC.

Step 3

Switch to spot on exchange and type the coin name in search form. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy LTZ button.


After you hit buy, the LitecoinZ token will be deposited in your account on the cryptocurrency exchange. Please be advised that just moving your coins off exchange into cold crypto wallet, you help better protect your finances. It ain't only reduce your risk if your exchange gets hacked, but if you transfer cold wallet, your LitecoinZ cryptocurrency becomes protected assets. Only flaw is usually have to pay a small withdrawal fee to transfer your coins from the exchange.

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What is LitecoinZ

LTZ, the P2P crypto currency that enables users to choose between private and transparent transactions for their individual needs without censorship. Built from the ground up and operating on its own Ledger it utilizes cryptographic zk-snarks with equihash 144-5 algorithm enabling fast transactions throughout the network. Our Mission is to give everyone the Access to Independent Banking and Privacy. With the unique codebase and further improvements, LitecoinZ can serve people around the world with Private, Reliable, Secure and Independend Blockchain Solutions.

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Statistics and Externals

The LitecoinZ cryptocurrency use Equihash hashing algorithm.

Price and supply

The current total supply is 84 millions, with a circulating supply of 0 LTZ as of Oct 2024. The total number of coins that can ever be minted infinite.

The Ltz price is $0.000623 as of 08:32 AM. The price was raised on 0.38718% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 0 united states dollars. Thus far recent 30 days, the LitecoinZ coin was raised on 16.36%.


What cryptocurrency exchange can I buy LitecoinZ coin?

LitecoinZ crypto can be purchased from two trading platforms. And these are some of them: Freiexchange and SafeTrade.

Is LitecoinZ coin a good investment?

The Ltz cryptocurrency is very risky asset that has high possibility of devalue. Because of high volatility of all Blockchain world you need to consider: unexpected changes in market can lead to sharp and sudden moves in price, you can lose all of your invested funds and any cryptocurrency has a possibility price to crash to zero. The opposite side of that investing in cryptocurrencies is possible extremely profitable.


Davy Jones, author

About the author

Davy Jones has been involved in the crypto industry since 2017 as a miner. Since then, he has become an avid investor, writer, and speaker in the field. Jones has been writing professionally since 2008, covering a wide range of topics in various industries.