Where to buy ShibaPoconk crypto coin

The ShibaPoconk tokens is difficult to purchase, owing to the shortage of cryptocurrency exchanges that offer it. The 1 exchange offer 1 pair: 0XB715.../0X21BE.... Detailed information, including fees, market cap and pairs see above.

Where to buy ShibaPoconk

Step 1

You need an account with a cryptocurrency exchange that supports Conk crypto. All of them listed on our site. Register it, if you don't already have it or login with your credentials.


Name Fee Trust DeFi Volume
Buy on Beethoven X Beethoven X ?? / ?? LOW No $0
Buy on SpookySwap SpookySwap 0.2 / 0.2 MEDIUM No $354
Step 2

Purchase or transfer with peer-to-peer trading this coin: 0X21BE....

Step 3

Open spot market on your cryptocurrency exchange and type the coin name in search box. Select from available trading pairs, then set order and push Buy CONK button.


By pressing buy, the ShibaPoconk coin will be available on your account on the cryptocurrency exchange. Please be advised that only transferring your coins from crypto exchange into secure hardware wallet such as Trezor T or Ledger Nano X, you can improve protection of your investments. Not only does this lower your risk if your exchange or account gets cracked, but if you move to separate wallet, your Conk token becomes safe assets. Only downside is usually have to pay a small fee to transfer your tokens off of the exchange.

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What is ShibaPoconk

ShibaPoCONK, popularly known as CONK, is a cryptoasset that took the Fantom Opera network by storm in early 2023 and is a uniquely innovative project that began as nothing more than a silly memecoin, but quickly garnered a passionate community of die-hard believers during its Liquidity Generation Event. During the longest bear market the cryptocurrency industry has ever experienced, CONK became a shining light that sparked a sense of hope and reassurance at a time when all of us were feeling nothing but fear and doubt. Before even having launched officially, ShibaPoCONK was met with such unwavering support from an entire community right from the get-go, which was a testament to CONK’s potential for growth and success. The people behind ShibaPoCONK are the community members themselves; CONKers. With no central authoritative entity, the CONK community is a diverse group of individuals from all over the world, united by their love for Web3 technology and its potential application in all aspects of business and life. With autonomy at its core, the CONK community take it upon themselves to drive the project forward, contributing their skills and expertise in developing the website, creating marketing materials, and even organising their own events

Video Review

Is ShibaPoconk (CONK) Token Scam or Legit ??

Statistics and Externals

Term of hash algorithm doesn't apply in case of Conk coin.

Price and supply

The current total supply is 980360434213962, with a circulating supply of 0 CONK as of Mar 2025. The max amount of coins that will ever exist in the lifetime of the ShibaPoconk is 974223223676782.

The ShibaPoconk crypto price is $0.000000000001 as of 07:37 PM. The price increased on 0.8107% over the past 24 hours. The recent price action left the token's market capitalization at 0 united states dollars. So far previous 30 days, the ShibaPoconk went up on 1.1%.


What crypto exchange can I buy Conk coin?

ShibaPoconk coin can be bought from 1 exchange. And these are some of them: Solidly V3 (Fantom).

Is ShibaPoconk a good investment?

The Conk coin is a risky asset that can lost value. Because of high volatility of all cryptocurrency market you have to consider: you can lose all of your invested funds, unexpected changes in market can lead to sharp and sudden moves in price and any cryptocurrency has a possibility price to crash to zero. The opposite side of that investing in cryptocurrencies is possible extremely profitable.


Qayyum Rajan, author

About the author

Qayyum Rajan, CFA is a fintech entrepreneur with multiple exits. He started his startup and blockchain career in 2017 building software to automate securities issuance on Ethereum, and never stopped building.

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